Thursday, May 3, 2012

Grace - 3 weeks NEW!

Grace Erin
3 weeks old
April 6, 2012

 I worried about having another girl. Ashleigh and Devyn are loud, busy, determined, and stubborn little girls. They have enough attitude for a whole country of little girls, but they are also sweet, funny and extremely helpful (or at least want to be), and very loving. They adore their new little sister and even Elijah is ok with her. All though I think his "helpfulness" (holding the pacifier in her mouth) is mostly just to keep Grace quiet so he can watch his shows. The kids have all grown and stepped up to being older siblings. Elijah helps with the dishes, he and Ashleigh set the table every night for dinner, they keep their rooms clean and pick up their toys, and Devyn was agreeable to being potty trained. I can't ask for anymore with a new house and a new baby!! 

Grace is cooperating also. She thinks sleep is a pretty great thing and tolerates the pacifier and even likes to hang out while I run on the treadmill. I love being a mom, I love being a stay at home mom! I'm so grateful for my husband and his hard work so I can stay home and take care of these angels. 

Don't you love the beautiful quilt my mom made (I may have been a little sick and tired of pink and purple! haha, but we also didn't know if we were having a boy or girl)

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