Tuesday, August 21, 2007

can your house really eat things?

so this is what my hosue look like now. is that an mp3 player on the table? that's what i'm looking for and that where anyone in the house remembers seeing it last. and this picture was taken a week ago. so it looks clean here...

but this is what it's been through the last couple of weeks. so far i've only lost two things that i've noticed. mp3 player and a movie (netflix) so where did they go? see if you can find them...

maybe in here?

this is where everything kind of was for a couple of days? do you see them there?

maybe they got thrown out with the carpet. but i think i would've noticed them.

now is that the dvd on top of the stove in the entry way? could be. so i've looked everywhere i put things. and everywhere that things just sort of end up. so if anyone wants to come over and help make a mess again and look for things that are missing let me know. mario's good at making a mess, i'm good at cleaning it, neither of us remember where we put anything. so next time you take on a home improvement project i'd suggest putting important things in a safe place and remember what that place is.

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