Tuesday, June 17, 2008

i was tagged...

i've been tagged a couple of times with this same tag from sara and melanie. the reason i haven't done it is because it's hard and requires thinking. but i'll give it a try.
7 wierd facts about me...my husband will be assisting to come up with the wierdest.

1. the bed has to by made before i go to bed. yeah that's right! if for some reason the bed didn't get made (i wasn't home is usually the only reason, or i just cleaned the sheets) i have to make the bed before i climb in, even if i climb in right after i make the bed. i think that drives my husband crazy. and along with that i make the bed first thing when i wake up. if i'm the last one out of my bed i make it as i climb out and if my husband (or kid) is the last i make it as soon as they get out.

2. my toes have to be painted (even if it's a very bad/chipped paint job). i think my toes look funny without any color on them.

3. i do the dishes before we eat. i like to have a clean sink when i sit down to eat even though i know as soon as we're done i'll have to do dishes again. and you'd think i'd do the dishes right away after dinner, but i don't!!! every night i wait and see if my husband will do them before me so i don't have to (i think it's happened once!)

4. my husband says it's wierd i put ketchup on everything. not on everything, but on a lot of things. i love ketchup!!!

5. i love, love, love peanut butter. my favorite is peanut butter on pancakes and waffles. sometimes on french toast. i can eat spoonfuls of peanut butter. and when i make a pb and j sandwhich i like way more pb then j and i always lick the knife after!

6. i will not eat chicken nuggets, or chicken strips, or stuff like that without something to dip it in. like bbq sauce (mcdonald's is my favorite, and golden pride is mighty good) i also like honey mustard (but i really don't like mustard). but without dipping sauce i will not eat that kind of chicken. i guess even fried chicken i dip (drowned) in ketchup!!!

7. ok, something none food related. let me think...
i cannot and will not sleep with socks on!!! even camping. i hate socks!


Sara said...

I love pb too--Tim taught me to eat it on my waffles and pancakes (love, love, love it). I try camping with socks, but it just drives me crazy; I almost feel like my feet are in pain because of how annoying they are. I wish I was like you and made my bed so diligently, an unmade bed drives me crazy, but I don't put the effort into it every day.

kelsey said...

I'm with you on the socks. Hey, I need your address to send you your prize for excellent gender guessing. Email me please! kelseyfox @ hotmail.com Thanks! :)

Melanie said...

I'm totally with you on the chicken strips and peanut butter thing. I love peanut butter on waffles and pancakes and I like to throw it in with a lot of my baking recipes. So good.