Thursday, January 15, 2009

let's go back to a month ago.

so what we were doing a month ago was really interesting (i've been so busy i'm barely getting to it now) and what we're doing now is not as interesting (which is why i'm able to get to it now) well that's not all the way true we're working on something but i'm not ready to share it yet.

so a month ago elijah had his christmas performance at school. they were studying weather and their play went something like this...

there was the polar express train going to the north pole and it got hit by all kinds of weather. i guess that's the gist of it (with a couple of songs in between like the freeze song, and a button pushing song, and a rain drop/snowflake song)

elijah was a cloud. his line "i'm a cloud. i'm white. i float over the train and wall-e"

then it was cold for a couple of days and it snowed, remember. the kids had fun playing in the snow. i was sick that day now that i remember correctly, they still went out at 8:00am to play the next day. elijah has nice warm water proof gloves. ashleigh doesn't. her hands were so red, but she wouldn't come inside.

that brings us to christmas eve. one of my families traditions is we set up lumanarios at my husbands grandparents house. the kids helped a lot this year.

yeah this is the product of the kids help. this is our first burned bag, i'm sure as the kids get more "helpful" we'll have a lot more of these.
notice the smoke behind ashleigh. she didn't even notice the bag was on fire, elijah was freaking out a little.

may i remind you this was christmas eve. it's supposed to be cold right? elijah would not wear a jacket. that kid can't feel the cold or something, but it's also been pretty nice around here. i feel bad for all those people out east in the freezing temperatures (we played outside at the park for 2 hours yesterday, without jackets)

it was the best christmas. it seems every year just gets better. we were so blessed last year and i can't wait to see what this year will bring us.

1 comment:

Katrina Rasband said...

i am in touch with that emotion...ya know..being too busy to blog about all that has happend. soon i will get to blog about our house, we have only been in it for a little over two weeks :o) love the pictures of your kids!