Monday, October 5, 2009

some families are good about taking lots of family pictures every year.

like the ray's. not the cortez's. melanie even takes pictures when she's pregnant, i avoid pictures when i'm pregnant. but then i don't look like her when i'm 5 months pregnant either (i'm not that cute, ever.)

i love mom and dad's looks in this picture like "please, help. another one really? or can we get this over with faster." funny that they didn't know they were both giving the same look! ha

we're pretty lucky to get to hang out with these kids pretty often since they're pretty good friends with my kids (not as often as we'd like though i'd like to add)
but the baby just grew up all of a sudden and i can't believe how cute she is! she's always been so quiet and i love seeing her little personality show up (and i love her legs by the way!) i can't wait for another little chunk in our family, good thing we've got one coming pretty soon.

my goal this week (besides just make it to the end of the week, which is my goal every week) is take some family pictures. i'll even take family pictures pregnant. yikes! 35 weeks this week, not that i'm counting down or anything.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

We never took pictures this often before we met you. Crazy how much torture those studio sessions are! When we were driving to meet you for the photo session, I was actually thinking how fun it was going to be to take pictures. They look so cute. Can't wait to see the rest.