Monday, October 26, 2009

37 weeks 4 days (well that was yesterday)

i got a complaint that i don't blog enough. well here's me blogging and pictures of my kids!!! warning there are also pregnancy pictures, please feel free to quickly scroll past those if you wish.

elijah and ashleigh, they're so silly. i asked them to give each other a kiss (thinking they'd peck each other on the cheek or elijah would get grossed out and refuse) but no they didn't

then they both wiped they're mouths right away. ha!

so here's my week in a nut shell.
monday - take pictures with baby cayde (already finished)
tuesday - elijah's field trip and piano lessons
wednesday - dr's appointment (38 weeks!), soccer practice and elijah's fall festival at school (at the same time i might add)
thursday - guess i'll get around to editing the folders filed with picture files that i have from this weekend oh yeah and piano lessons
friday - piano lessons and there was something else going on but i can't remember
saturday - soccer game, halloween canival and trick or treating

this would be a nice week to have a baby and get out of doing all the things on my list!!! i could use a break


Alysha Smith said...

You look great prego! Great pics, you are such a gifted photographer!

kelsey said...

what! why does everyone get to look so cute pregnant except me? so rude. but good work, you look just lovely. and so do your cute kiddos.

Katrina Rasband said...

looking good chelle! can't wait for you to pop out my newest niece ya!

Miranda said...

I think you look fabulous!! And I can't believe Ashley's hair is that long. long has it been since we have see you guys? Too long apparently :) Good luck with the baby having...