Thursday, August 16, 2012

Summer 2012 - in a nut shell

 I didn't do a very good job of taking pictures with my camera this summer, but you should follow me on instagram! I always have my phone. Maybe I should start a monthly "instagram" post (except that would mean I'd have to post at least once a month! ha). Hopefully now that school has started again and we're getting into some sort of routine I can be a better blogger. 

Tanner turned 1! and wasn't happy about having his belly painted (mom thought it was hilarious!!!)

Then it was mother's day. I got lots of flowers and cards and chocolate and lots of love! Being a mom is the greatest!
Then an awesome family came to New Mexico for a family reunion. They came from Utah, Texas andCalifornia and met in Albuquerque. They asked me to take some pictures of all of them together. 

Then Spencer & Marie got married!

And we took a vacation for the 4th of July to Arizona. It was so much fun. I got tons of stuff from Ikea, we ate at In-n-out, we saw lots of firework, danced, swam and swam and then went to wet and wild. 

Then I took some family pictures:

The Covington's - then they moved to Utah :(

The Smith's 

 and another family reunion! 

 Then Elijah had a really cool Pack meeting where the air force honor guard came and taught the boys how to fold flags. 
I couldn't leave Devyn out. she has the cutest freckles. Elijah got 4 more belt loops (18 total) and a basketball pin. He was very excited! 

And all summer long Grace just kept growing and growing! She's now 5 months old and loves to roll around and play with her brother and sisters. 

Next to come back to school pictures (as soon as I take them! haha)
Also as you can see I've been doing a few sessions this summer. I am going to do some mini shoots this fall. Only one session a month September - December. Dates will be posted soon! send me an email if you're interested in booking a mini session!

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