Monday, July 26, 2010

As of July 24th

Elijah is 6 and 4 months. He's about 55lbs and 52 inches. And he keeps getting taller. I won't buy him jeans until right before school starts! He starts the 1st grade in 3 weeks!

He loves video games and his sisters. He loves spongebob, fairy god parents, and watching all other kinds of movies and shows on netflix on the wii. He's lost 3 teeth. The first one right before Valentine's day, he ate it at the restaurant. The second one a couple of weeks later. And the third one he knocked out when he hit his mouth on his knee jumping out of the swing. He ate the tooth while eating pizza Friday night. He now talks with a lisp. He is the best big brother in the whole world. He is such an amazing example to Ashleigh and Devyn. He is so helpful and loving. I'm so glad he's the oldest child in our family. I love this little (big) boy.

Ashleigh is 3 and 8 months. She's short and solid (I don't know her lbs and inches, I just know she's not tall enough to ride big rides at Cliff's but Elijah is)

She loves pink and purple. She loves to color and paint and cut and draw and make lots of messes. She got a new tea set that I know she really loves because she actually takes care of it. She wants a puppy. She loves to act and play pretend. She loves to wear her hair down "side to side. like mommy" She's taking ballet classes and is doing so good. she's the cutest one out there. She listens to her teacher and follows directions so good, at dance, not at home. She loves Devyn except when Devyn gets her stuff. She wants to loose a tooth like Elijah. She's super loving and sweet but she's not afraid to say what's on her mind! I love my little Ash

Devyn is 8 months. She's 16ist lbs and 20 somthing inches (she has a doctors appointment next month that we may go to)

She's crawls everywhere. Makes goofy faces and throws tantrums until she gets what she wants (or until you can distract her with something else) She doesn't have any teeth. I love her toothless grin. She's very loving but shows it in a funny way. Like instead of giving kisses she'll suck on your cheek, or leg, or toes, or nose. She loves to clap and play patty cake. She loves food, especially pasta. She'll go to anyone who offers her food. She's spunky and determined. I love watching her little personality unfold. But I wish she would sleep in her own bed. Like I said she's stubborn and usually gets what she wants. But I love waking up to her smiles every morning.

I think I'm the luckiest person in the world. I have beautiful, fun kids. and the best husband in the world.

1 comment:

M Lisa said...

Ditto to your comment: luckiest person in the world, beautiful kids and the best husband in the world.

Life is so good!